
Latest Updates 

March 4, 2018

A new Consecutive committee was voted in- some new faces and some of the old guard took their new roles.

The  2018 list is as Below:

Allan Bullot – President

Raelene Lock – Treasurer

Shayne Blake – Secretary

Christie Whitehead

Gabrielle Perry

Jango van Rijk

John Cole

Karl Brooks

Samantha Kemp


Thank you for volunteering and hope you guy's will drive Auckland UWH to new Heights!!!

Latest Update

Hey everyone, just thought I would touch base with an update on what Auckland UWH has been up to in the last little while.

As you know, we became an incorporated society last year with a new committee. This was a good time for us to take a step back and think about our future direction, and we are in the process of developing our strategic vision for the next three to five years. This will guide our short-term goals for the next year. We’ve got a couple of tweaks to make to the draft plan over the next few weeks, but will then be ready to share this with you and get any feedback you have. If you’re interested in looking at the draft and having a chat with me about your thoughts, please just get in touch at any stage. We’re aiming to share our completed vision doc at the AGM later this year, along with a one-year operational plan.

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Jake Hocking